While the series premiered just this month, it looks like the finale is already coming to the brand new Adult Swim series, YOLO: Crystal Fantasy. The series follows two young women named Rachel and Sarah and how they're adventures for popularity and love place them in the strangest places and have them meet unique people.
Since its release, the series has been a massive hit for fans and has pulled a lot of new viewers thanks to its unique animation style and out of those world storylines. However, all good things must come to an end, and with that, a new two-part season finale has been announced!
Enter Bushworld Part One follows Rachel as she ends up in the Bushworld dimension while trying to find a restroom. After years without her friend, Sarah finally gets the life she always wanted, until a familiar voice is heard calling her phone. Enter Bushworld Part Two follows Sarah, after the sudden death of her husband, wrestling with the possibility of reconnecting with her friend after years of her being missing.
The finale sure is setting up to be a bit more series than usually expected, and with that, this season finale could change everything about the series! Make sure to share your thoughts on the new episodes, and don't forget to check out the new trailer below!
YOLO: Crystal Fantasy follows two Australian party girls, Sarah and Rachel, looking for fun times, new experiences, positive vibes, and hopeful horoscopes, in the bizarre town of Wollongong.
The two-part season finale of YOLO: Crystal Fantasy premieres Sunday, August 30th (into Monday) at midnight on Adult Swim!