A new Scooby-Doo animated film was just announced yesterday, with a new set of voice actors and Frank Welker, who has lent his voice to the iconic brown dog since his debut in 1969. Matthew Lillard has portrayed Shaggy since 2002, succeeding Casey Kasem, after 35 years as the character. He starred in the much-maligned live-action films as well voicing the character in dozens of direct-to-video animated projects from 2009 until now.
Will Forte, of Saturday Night Live fame, is set to replace Lillard in his beloved take on Shaggy in the new Scooby-Doo animated film slated for release next year. The voice cast also includes Gina Rodriguez (Jane the Virgin) as Velma, Tracy Morgan (30 Rock) as Captain Caveman, and the veteran voice actor Frank Welker as Scooby-Doo. The other characters are yet to be announced.
Matthew Lillard, the previous Shaggy, took to Twitter to express his immense disappointment.
“Well this sucks, What a crappy way to find out... thanks Hollywood. You never sense to amaze me.”
Perhaps, there is still a future for Lillard with the beloved character, and he seems eager to continue this role down the line. It remains to be seen how Warner Bros will respond, if at all.
The film will feature the Mystery Inc. gang teaming up with other Hanna-Barbera characters to upend the calamitous plans of Dick Dastardly.
The currently untitled Scooby-Doo film is slated for a May 2020 release.