Disney-Pixar recently released a new teaser for, their upcoming and highly-anticipated animated movie, Toy Story 4. This teaser saw the reintroduction of Bo Peep to the franchise - as she was sorely absent from the third instalment. This new version of Bo Peep has done away with her pompous dress and torn it into a cape.
She's much more badass than that of her former self, now being more akin to that of Rey from the newest Star Wars trilogy. Though her modernisation has changed much about her look already, PETA believe that Pixar should go one step further and remove her crook.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) recently reached out to Pixar requesting that they do away with the sheep-herding staff. This tool was traditionally used to hook sheep by the legs and necks, hence PETA's disapproval of its return. Though it's incredibly unlikely that Bo has or will ever use the crook in such a way, PETA are concerned nonetheless.
The statement from Lauren Thomasson, PETA's Manager of Animals in Film and Television, can be read below (via Comicbook.com). Neither Disney or Pixar have responded yet.
I'm contacting you today about Bo Peep's new look. Given that she was designed to have a 'modern' look, why hasn't she 'lost' that outdated and cruel crook? You may not know that these 'shepherd's crooks,' are used solely to hook a sheep's neck and force these gentle animals to move. That isn't something that a progressive Bo Peep would countenance in 2019!
A 'badass' Bo Peep would likely bop the shearers, not the sheep[A] symbol of domination over any animal is a thing of the past and not something that belongs in Toy Story 4. Won't you please consider removing Bo Peep's crook from the final animation?
Toy Story 4 is set to arrive in theatres on June 21st, 2019.