The Nightmare Before Christmas is a stop-motion animated film which debuted back in 1993. Despite having released twenty-six years ago, it still has a stong cult following to this very day. The film follows Jack Skellington as he grows ever bored with the world of Halloween and ventures into the more heartwarming and less terrifying realm of Christmastime.
Recently, got the chance to talk with Chris Sarandon about
The Nightmare Before Christmas. Sarandon played the lead character of Jack Skellington. The site got the actor's take on whether the popular animated movie is meant for Halloween or Christmastime viewing —
find that out here. As well, Sarandon was asked about his thoughts on a sequel.
The actor revealed that he's essentially desperate for and would love to star in a sequel to
The Nightmare Before Christmas, going so far as to joke that he would crawl across the entire United States in order to do so.
"I'd crawl on my hands and knees, from the east coast to the west coast, in the spring or the fall, to do it again. Of course I would. I love that character and I love that I'm part of a legacy of that character as well," said Sarandon.
While it doesn't seem that there are currently any plans to do a sequel to the beloved animated film, there was recently an emergence of rumours which claimed that a live-action remake of the original
The Nightmare Before Christmas film was in the works — though there's yet to be anything official announced on the part of that.