Back when the first official trailer for Paramount Pictures'
Sonic the Hedgehog movie debuted online, there was a great amount of backlash against their redesign of the titular speedster. Many simply found the character design creepy, uncanny, and a far cry from the charming, usual look of the character.
The director took to social media to announce that they'd be reworking the look and the movie would be delayed by many months on account of that. It's been almost five months since then and there's five months until the film is set to arrive in theatres.
A couple of images of the character's redesign have leaked online via Twitter — specifically a user by the handle of
@BestInTheGalaxy who claims to have a friend who works at Paramount and was able to take a few snaps for them. Thankfully, the new look is much more pleasing than the former version — and much more faithful to the source material, at that.
Check it out below: