Following the death of Superman in DC's latest animated movie, which was fittingly titled The Death of Superman, many a superhero believe themselves worthy of the mantle. Tightly following the comic-book storyline of which it is based, the animated DC universe will be introducing Steel, Eradicator, Superboy, and Cyborg Superman in the upcoming sequel Reign of the Supermen, which sees each of the Men of Steel battle it out for the throne.
Our best look at the upcoming animated movie was given to us just the other day with the newest trailer, and soon after we've been provided the cover-art for the Blu-Ray copy of the movie - and it's truly epic. In a much more complex art-style than the film itself, the cover sees each of the afformentioned wannabes at war with one-another.
Check it out below:
What do you think of the artwork? Will you be picking up a Blu-ray copy of Reign of the Supermen once it releases next year?
Reign of the Supermen is set to release in 2019.