Last year saw the release of the animated adaptation of the iconic The Death of Superman storyline from DC Comics, and as such, the sequel focuses on those who wish to take up the mantle. Superboy, Eradicator, Steel, and Cyborg Superman all believe themselves to be the rightful heir to the heroic throne.
With Reign of the Supermen set to release later this month, Warner Bros. Home Entertainment have begun to release exciting clips from the upcoming animated movie. This new one appears to be a continuation of a previous one in which a voice-over can be heard beckoning the end of superheroes - in the movie this will most likely be a montage showing off each Superman-replacement in-action.
The below clips sees a photographer, who appears to be Jimmy Olsen, almost driven into by a speeding bus. Thankfully, Steel arrives just in-time to save Superman's Pal.
Check out the clip below:
What do you think of the clip? Are you looking forward to Reign of the Supermen?