Warner Bros. Animation has released a new promotional poster for their upcoming animated film
Reign of the Supermen, the follow-up to last year's direct-to-video animated movie
The Death of Superman.
The poster features the four "Supermen" - Eradicator, Steel, Superboy, and Cyborg Superman, all of whom have their own agenda and sense of justice. With Superman no longer in the picture, each of them will look to establish their own legacies. As variants of the iconic Man of Steel, they each possess some similarity to Superman, but also have their own unique differences.
In a previously
released sneak peek of
Reign of the Supermen, we were provided with a bit more context for each of these unique characters. Superboy was described as
"Superman if he had been raised by the Kardashians." John Henry Irons, aka Steel, represents
"the humanity and heart that Superman brings to the show." The Eradicator represents
"the quarter of Superman that is the last Son of Krypton." And lastly, Cyborg Superman is
"the power of Superman, but a little devoid of emotion."
I'm sure we'll learn more about them in the coming weeks as we make our way towards the 2019 release of
Reign of the Superman.