Wonder Woman star Gal Gadot recently shared a photo from behind-the-scenes of Walt Disney Animation Studios’ upcoming Wreck-It Ralph sequel: Ralph Breaks the Internet - which will ber her first voiceover role.
Check out the behind-the-scenes selfie below:
Gadot voices the character of "Shank", a badass racer - who's quite reminiscent of Gadot's character from The Fast and The Furious franchise. In a recent Facebook post, the Wonder Woman actress described her animated role as such: “Shank is amazing at driving cars and has this bad-girl vibe to her. But as the movie goes on you realize how fun, wise and warm she really is on the inside, which is what I like most about her."
Director Phil Johnston went into why Gadot was perfect for the role: “There's so much texture to her voice and so much living in her voice. If Ralph is Vanellope's big-brother figure, we wanted a big-sister figure. We wanted someone that Vanellope would look up to, and Gal is definitely someone kids — and a lot of adults I know — aspire to emulate. I can't imagine anyone else embodying that part.”
What do you think of Gadot's character: Shank? Are you looking forward to Ralph Breaks The Internet?
Ralph Breaks The Internet hits theatres on November 21st.