Twelve years ago, Pixar graced the world with
Ratatouille. The animated film was directed by Brad Bird and told the tale of a rat named Remy who aspired to become a renowned chef. Though the film is one of Pixar's best, it never received a follow-up of any kind. Last year, its director explained that he sees no need for a
Ratatouille 2 —
find out more on that here.
Remy was voiced by Patton Oswalt. The actor recently took to social media to voice his support for a spinoff series of sorts which would see his character teach watchers the art of the kitchen.
Monsters Inc. will be getting a spinoff animated series on Disney+ so why not give one to
Ratatouille as well?
You can check out Oswalt's tweet (
@pattonoswalt) below:
Oswalt has previously mentioned that he'd love to return to the role if Brad Bird is able to come up with a story worth telling. Pixar have been pumping out sequels to their classics for a while now,
Toy Story 4 and
Incredibles 2 for example — the latter of those was directed by Bird. Perhaps
Ratatouille is up next.