Last month, Disney released the first full trailer for Mary Poppins Returns, the sequel to the 1964 original film about a magical nanny "who employs music and adventure to help two neglected children become closer to their father." Much like the original, Disney's sequel will see the iconic English nanny, this time played by Emily Blunt, return to Cherry Tree Lane to help the next generation of the banks family "find the joy and wonder missing in their lives following a personal loss."
So how will she do this? With magic, of course! Disney released a special look at Mary Poppins Returns, teasing some of the all-new music featured in the film along with its star-studded cast. We also get a look at some of the unique places we'll visit on this adventure, some of which is a mix of live-action and animation.
In Disney’s “Mary Poppins Returns,” an all new original musical and sequel, Mary Poppins is back to help the next generation of the Banks family find the joy and wonder missing in their lives following a personal loss. Emily Blunt stars as the practically-perfect nanny with unique magical skills who can turn any ordinary task into an unforgettable, fantastic adventure and Lin-Manuel Miranda plays her friend Jack, an optimistic street lamplighter who helps bring light—and life—to the streets of London.
Mary Poppins Returns flies into theaters on December 19.