Like every animated film from Pixar, Incredibles 2 was chock-full of Easter Eggs and references.
Some reference the creators of the excellent animated films, like the well-known and recurring "A113" code - which appears in every Pixar film, in reference to the classroom or multiple Pixar creators like the directors of WALL-E, Toy Story, Inside Out, and more.
Others which feature in every Pixar film include the renowned Pizza Planet truck which first appeared in Toy Story and has appeared in every animated film since - even Brave, which is impressive seeing as the film takes place before the invention of the automobile.
The YouTube Channel FunWithGuru's main focus is the Easter Eggs and references which feature in various films, games, and TV shows. Their most recent video provides a rundown of the fun Easter Eggs hidden throughout Incredibles 2 - check it out below:
What do you think of the video? Which of Incredibles 2's Easter Eggs is your favourite?