Disney will be kicking off their very own streaming service in just a couple of days. For the United States, Canada, and the Netherlands, Disney+ will launch on November 12th. Recently, Disney revealed the precise time that the service will go live in the aforementioned countries — that being 9AM (Eastern Time).
Those outside of the United States, Canada, and the Netherlands could only hope for news about Disney+ coming to their country — until today. Disney has now announced exactly when the streaming service will launch in Europe. Disney+ will officially launch on March 31st, 2020 in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, and Spain.
In their announcement tweet (
@Disney), Disney also teased that more countries will be announced in the future. So, if you're place of residence isn't mentioned above, keep your fingers crossed. It's also worth mentioning that the tweet notes that
"Titles may vary by territory," which means that a movie or show that's available in one country might not be in another.