Shrek was released in the Summer of 2001, it became a box office hit and challenged Pixar's dominance in CG animation. Critics and audiences responded positively to the fresh take on fairy tale storylines, endearing characters, cultural references, and outstanding voice acting from Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy and Cameron Diaz.
DidYouKnowMovies have delved into the making of all the
Shrek films. Fascinating facts on the artistic methods used to make the movies as well as behind the scenes trivia are included in this short video.
Have a look below and share your thoughts on the
Shrek series in the comments section.
Once upon a time in a far away swamp there lived an ornery ogre named Shrek whose precious solitude is suddenly shattered by an invasion of annoying fairytale characters. There are blind mice in his food, a big, bad wolf in his bed, three little homeless pigs and more, all banished from their kingdom by the evil Lord Farquaad.