Disney's upcoming live-action remake of their 1992 animated classic Aladdin recently got its first teaser as its genie Will Smith shared a mysterious poster.
Smith has taken on the role of the magical genie, however Mena Massoud is playing the titular protagonist; the fan-favourite character of Princess Jasmie will be played by Power Rangers star Naomi Scott who, following the poster's reveal, took to social media to share her gratitude for being involved in such a project.
Also sharing the poster on social media, Scott captioned it as such: "Here we go...I’m honored and blessed to be a part of this. It’s gonna be fun. #aladdin."
What do you think of Naomi Scott as Jasmine? Are you looking forward to the live-action remake of Aladdin?
Aladdin is set to hit theatres in May, 2019.