With tickets now on sale, Walt Disney Animation Studios has shared new promos, a featurette, and two posters for its epic new musical comedy Wish. The cast is led by Ariana DeBose, who voices 17-year-old heroine Asha; Chris Pine, who lends his voice to the formidable King Magnifico; and Alan Tudyk, who will portray Asha's pet goat, Valentino.
Wish is heading our way as Disney celebrates its 100th birthday. The studio has a rich history of memorable songs in their animated movies, something the filmmakers kept in mind while creating the new film's centrepiece song, "This Wish." In the featurette below, the movie's director, writer and songwriters discuss what went into making a new song that fits in seamlessly with the Disney catalogue.
After Strange World unexpectedly flopped at the box office, it feels like Disney is banking on Wish to be a box office hit and, potentially, the new Frozen. Asha was even given a starring role in Once Upon a Studio, suggesting the character is one who we'll be seeing a lot more of moving forward.
In Wish, Asha, a sharp-witted idealist, makes a wish so powerful that it is answered by a cosmic force - a little ball of boundless energy called Star.
Together, Asha and Star confront a most formidable foe - the ruler of Rosas, King Magnifico - to save her community and prove that when the will of one courageous human connects with the magic of the stars, wondrous things can happen.
Oscar-winning director Chris Buck (Frozen) and Fawn Veerasunthorn (Raya and the Last Dragon) helm Wish based on a script by Lee and Allison Moore (Night Sky).
The movie's original songs come our way from Grammy-nominated singer/songwriter Julia Michaels and Grammy-winning producer/songwriter/musician Benjamin Rice, with a score by composer Dave Metzger (Moana).
Wish is set to be released in theaters on November 22.