The first animated series from Marvel Studios has been ramping up the madness with each episode. First exploring a universe where Captain Carter takes the serum and drastically alters the events in Captain America: The First Avenger, the pilot mostly set the series up and explained the concept.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 1 & 2 and Black Panther were the next to get the spotlight as the second episode of What If...? sees T'challa become Star-Lord instead of Peter Quill. The third episode went to a dark place as we saw all of the Avengers get murdered by - spoilers - Hank Pym's Yellowjacket, altering the events of Thor, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, and Ant-Man.
If the events of Episode 3 seemed dark, the following installment outdid its predecessor by seeing Doctor Strange altered in a way that causes him to be an evil version of the Sorceror Supreme, ultimately spelling doom for his universe. Still, tonight's episode will go even further with the Marvel Zombies comic storyline seeing an adaptation that changes the events of Avengers: Infinity War.
If the image above featuring a full-on zombie version of Captain America - the heart of the Avengers - doesn't hit the point home, the second character poster, featuring Cap's loyal buddy Hawkeye, sees the father hungry for flesh instead of raising his children.
In addition to these two zombie versions of our heroes, we also know that Iron Man will also be in zombie mode. The below clip from Mark Ruffalo shows Tony Stark devouring two of Thanos's Black Order members Cull Obsidian and Ebony Maw.
Between the striking images of Steve Rogers and Clint Barton and the video of zombie Tony Stark, there is plenty to come in tonight's episode, and it is clearly set to continue the dark trend of the past couple of What If...? installments.
What do you guys think about these images? Are you excited to see these hungry heroes, or is it a little too much for you? Regardless of your thoughts, be sure to sound off in the usual spot!
Enter the multiverse of unlimited possibilities. Marvel Studios' first animated series, What If...?, starts streaming August 11 with new episodes Wednesdays on Disney+. “What If… ?” features fan-favorite characters, including Peggy Carter, T’Challa, Doctor Strange, Killmonger, Thor and more. The new series, directed by Bryan Andrews with AC Bradley as head writer, features signature MCU action with a curious twist.
Marvel Studios' What If...? premieres new episodes each Wednesday, only on Disney+.