Disney's upcoming live-action remake of Mulan was originally set to debut in theatres in March, however, the release was delayed on account of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. After many months with the film's release being indefinite, Disney finally announced that the live-action remake of Mulan will be coming to Disney+ on September 4th.
However, the film won't be available to stream on the platform like the rest of Disney's back catalogue is. Rather, subscribers will have to pay an additional $29.99 for "Premier Access" on top of the cost of their initial subscription. Naturally, many weren't fond of this concept but, nonetheless, it's still going forward — Mulan will be available with Premier Access tomorrow.
So, what about the folks who were looking forward to the live-action remake but aren't willing or able to pay the additional $30 price for Premier Access? Well, it seems to have been revealed when Mulan will be available to stream on the platform without the special early access — and rather as a part of the regular Disney+ catalogue.
Recently, an official Disney page stated: "Watch before its release to all Disney+ subscribers on December 2, 2020." That page was promptly altered so that the message was no longer present. However, The Verge's Julia Alexander followed that up with a tweet which features a screenshot of the Canadian Disney+ page for Mulan.
The screenshot reveals that Mulan will be available to stream on Disney+ for regular users (those without Premier Access) on December 4th, 2020. And the same seems to be the case for the American version of the streaming service. You can check out Alexander's tweet below: