Disney marked the third episode of Monsters at Work, their Monsters Inc. universe Disney Plus original series, with a deleted scene. The scene featured budding scarer, Tylor Tuskman, played by Ben Feldman (Big Hero 6: The Series), as he graduates from Monsters University.
Tuskman told the audience of how he'd always watch from afar as scarers would pass by his father's hardware store on their way to their jobs at Monsters Inc. He continued by telling them how he managed to scare the entire fourth grade at during a play and that's what made him know his true calling -- to be a scarer.
Meanwhile in the audience, his parents humbly brag about his accomplishment, with his father calling him the first Tuskman to graduate and how he was a proud father. Taylor's mother, on the other hand, cut him off and told him to stop bragging, while also turning her heads to another onlooker to brag about his scare average.
This scene clearly didn't make the cut, likely due to pacing problems and the need to tie in how he managed to find his way to Monsters Inc. The series premiered last week and instead of a celebration and speech, the series went in another direction with him taking a test, passing with flying colors, and being handed a letter from Monsters Inc. about becoming a scarer.