The 2017 live-action Beauty and the Beast film featured, of course, many existing characters, including the follower of Gaston, LeFou. Unlike in previous versions, though, he was more than simply a friendly companion of Gaston. He was in a one-sided relationship with him, one that never could flourish thanks to the muscular man's facination with Belle.
When a prequel series hit the public's attention some weren't sure if this detail would retain its place in the lore. Sure enough, it seems like it'll be alive and even touched on further in the Disney Plus original series, reportedly known as The Little Town. The series focuses on both Gaston and LeFou alongside his step-sister, Tilly, as they embark on a journey due to a "surprising revelation" about her past.
With what Josh Gad, the man who brought LeFou to life, is saying about the series, it sounds like we have some origin stories to look forward to and perhaps, due its prequel nature, we may see a coming out journey for LeFou. Gad was very careful about what to say and simply told people to expect the unexpected when it comes to the series.
“You’re going to have to tune in when this show airs to see what we’re working up, but in the process of working on it, we’re asking ourselves every relevant question about these characters and endeavoring to do right by them and by this world. I think that we have origin stories here that are unbelievably exciting because they’re unexpected. And I think ‘expect the unexpected’ is all I can really say. And not just with regard to LeFou and Gaston but to a lot of the new characters that we’re introducing.”
Gad doesn't elaborate further on that, though he touch on how they are introducing brand-new characters you can't find anywhere else.