Playdate with Destiny is a new animated short that debuted in theatres alongside Disney-Pixar's Onward. It's the third theatrical venture for The Simpsons after the full-on movie and Academy Award-nominated short film The Longest Daycare — which was attached to the screenings of Ice Age: Continental Drift and similarly starred Maggie.
Unfortunately, Onward and Playdate with Destiny's theatrical run was cut short by the Coronavirus pandemic that's currently plaguing most of the world. Theatres across the globe shut their doors until further notice. Disney opted to release Onward online via their streaming service.
Onward is available to stream on Disney+ in the United States and Canada and has been since April 3rd — find out more on that here. What about Playdate with Destiny? Well, Disney has opted for the same approach. Playdate with Destiny is now available to stream on Disney+ in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and seemingly everywhere else as well.
"A heroic baby saves Maggie Simpson from playground peril -- and steals her heart," reads the official synopsis. It's only five minutes long and you can check it out here.