The Longest Daycare debuted back in 2012 alongside Ice Age: Continental Drift in theatres. It's an animated short film starring Maggie from The Simpsons. Long-time series veteran David Silverman directed while James L. Brooks, Al Jean, David Mirkin, Michael Price, Joel H. Cohen, and The Simpsons creator Matt Groening are all credited as having written the short.
The Longest Daycare chronicles Maggie's experience as she's enrolled at a brand new daycare facility and subsequently forced to square off with a foul-tempered baby named Gerald. The animated short serves as the second theatrical release for The Simpsons, of course, after The Simpsons Movie.
The short was quite well received, both for its storytelling and animation, and even went as far as to be nominated for an Academy Award in the "Best Animated Short" category. Unfortunately, The Longest Daycare didn't come out on top but rather lost to another short called Paperman.
Recently, somewhat of a follow-up to The Longest Daycare debuted. Playdate With Destiny is another animated short starring Maggie from The Simpsons. The short debuted alongside Onward in theatres just a couple of months ago. It's now available to stream on Disney+ and, wouldn't you know it, The Longest Daycare is now too (via @DisneyPlus).
Also in The Simpsons news, you can now stream the comedy cartoon series in both its original 4:3 aspect ratio as well as a more modern 16:9 ratio. Find out more about that here.