STAR WARS REBELS Producer Dave Filoni On Why Neither The Death Star Nor Director Krennic Appeared In The Show
Star Wars Rebels featured many a fan-favourite Star Wars character throughout its run. Krennic and the Death Star however, while you'd think they'd appear, never did. Dave Filoni explains why...
Star Wars Rebels featured many fan-favourite characters from the actual Star Wars saga throughout its four season run. From Princess Leia to Lando Calrissian, even more recent additions like Captain Rex from Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Saw Gerrera from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.
However, taking place between the events of Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, you'd think that either Director Krennic or the Death Star itself would make an appearance - but lo and behold, the show is over and they never showed up.
While they were referenced, Krennic outright name-dropped (along with "Stardust" the Death Star's codename), they remained off-screen for the entirety of the show. Rebels producer Dave Filoni recently explained, via CinemaBlend, why neither appeared:
At different times in Rebels in Season 4, there was a moment where even Krennic would appear in the series, where the Death Star appeared in the series, but because our show isn't ultimately about either Krennic or the Death Star, I decided to cut those ideas from visibly showing up. I don't want to confuse the audience.
I know a lot of people would know exactly how they fit. It just seemed distracting to talk about something that wasn't the primary focus of the show. It'd be distracting to bring the Death Star into it or this character Krennic. Why would we bring him in if he's not going to play a major role in this series? So I tried to avoid that yet get the idea that Thrawn is competing with how we're going to fight the rebels.
The Death Star is undoubtedly one of the most iconic things from the Star Wars saga, along with Darth Vader. While the latter made multiple appearances (alongside his compadres Grand Moff Tarkin and The Emperor), he did serve a purpose - that being an obstacle for the characters to overcome. Vader's most notable inclusion played directly into an emotionally impactful battle with Ahsoka - therefore making him a necessity.
Filoni, while flirted with the idea, evidently couldn't weasel them into Star Wars Rebels at any point that would make feasible sense from a narrative standpoint. A decision of the sort should be applauded as it would've been easy to throw either Krennic or the deadly space-station into the show for a simple bit of fan-service.
What do you think about Filoni's comments? Would you have liked Krennic or the Death Star to have appeared?