Avatar: The Last Airbender is a fantasy action-adventure animated series that debuted back in 2005 and aired until 2008. Currently, a live-action remake of the series involving its original creators is in the works for Netflix and Nickelodeon.
Principal photography for the live-action remake is set to begin within the former half of 2020 but it seems that the original animated series is set to return to Netflix ahead of that. Recently, a listing appeared on the official Netflix website which details
Avatar: The Last Airbender. However, the series is currently unavailable to stream and Netflix are yet to publicly announce anything to do with it.
This listing was discovered by Twitter user
@MrOppaiSenpai who believes the version will be that of the
Avatar: The Last Airbender Blu-ray release. Currently, the animated series isn't available on Netflix in the United States but is available on Netflix in other regions.
This situation is all quite similar to a recent one regarding a 3D CG anime film by the name of Dragon Quest: Your Story —
find out more on that here.