The Mitchells vs. the Machines is a Sony Pictures Animation animated movie that debuted via the Netflix streaming service back in April of this year. The film revolves around a quirky family who end up being the only remaining humans on Earth capable stopping the technological apocalypse. Produced by Chris Miller and Phil Lord, The Mitchells vs. the Machines received much acclaim.
Another acclaimed film from Sony Pictures Animation that was produced by Lord and Miller is Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. Just yesterday we got the first official trailer for the Academy Award-winning animated film's sequel, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Part One). Those with a keen eye or 'spidey sense' have spotted a subtle reference to The Mitchells vs. the Machines in the new trailer.
Most of the new trailer takes place in Miles Morales' bedroom as he's visited by, multiversal webslinger, Gwen Stacy. It's here that we can see a signficant, recogniseable object that ties the films together. Those who have seen The Mitchells vs. the Machines will know of the significance of a wooden moose ornament that Rick Mitchell gifts to his daughter Katie, essentially serving as a representation of their bond.
It's this wooden moose that can be seen in Miles' room in the new Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Part One) trailer. Beyond an awesome Easter Egg, this almost certainly doesn't mean that the two films actually share a fictional universe or anything. It's just a fun nod from one Sony Pictures Animation film to another.
You can check it out for yourself on the left of the screenshot below or at the 0:50 timecode in the trailer.