Lonnie Corant Jaman Shuka Rashid Lynn, better known by his stage name Common or formerly Common Sense, is an American rapper. While he's made brief appearances in films such as Suicide Squad and John Wick 2, he's taken on a vocal role in Warner Bros. upcoming animated film Smallfoot.
Smallfoot is the story of a Yeti named Migo who stirs up his community when he discovers something that he didn't know existed -- a human. It essentially turns the mysterious myths of Bigfoot and the Abominable Snowman back on us!
Being a musical comedy, Smallfoot features a number of songs performed by various artists/actors - such as: Zendaya, CYN, Niall Horan, James Corden, and its star Channing Tatum. Common plays The Stonekeeper, the yetis leader, and has his own song in the film named "Let it Lie". In the below video he introduces the song and performs a little bit of it.
Check out the video below:
What do you think of the Let it Lie? Are you looking forward to Smallfoot?
Smallfoot stomps into theatres on September 28th.