Titan Comics has announced a new line of comic books based on Illumination's animated franchise Minions. The new series, titled Minions: Viva Le Boss, will follow the adorable yellow creatures as they journey through history looking for a truly villainous leader.
Minions: Viva Le Boss is written by Stephane Lapuss with art from Renaud Collin. Issue #1 is due out in November and will expand Titan Comics' catalog of Minions comics and graphic novels, which includes Minions: Vol. 1 Banana and Minions: Vol 2: Evil Panic.
The original Minions movie released in 2015 as a spinoff of Illumination's highly successful Despicable Me franchise. The banana-loving creatures quickly garnered worldwide acclaim as the standalone spinoff film grossed over $1 billion at the box office in 2015. It currently the 17th highest grossing movie of all-time at the worldwide box office. A sequel to Minions is due out in theaters worldwide in 2020.