GKids has announced they will be releasing an English-language version of Studio Canal's French-Belgian animated comedy film, Big Bad Fox And Other Tales, later this year. The film is actually comprised of three short stories that originally aired on French TV as a holiday special. The film follows a hungry fox who's looking to fill his belly with some of the livestock on a farm.
Bill Bailey as Duck
Adrian Edmondson as Rabbit
Justin Edwards as Pig
Matthew Goode as Wolf
Celia Imrie as Chicken
Phill Jupitus as Dog
Giles New as Fox
No word yet on an officialU.S. release date but a dubbed trailer should be arriving soon.
Whoever thinks that the countryside is calm and peaceful is mistaken. In it we find especially agitated animals, a Fox that thinks it's a chicken, a Rabbit that acts like a stork, and a Duck who wants to replace Father Christmas. If you want to take a vacation, keep driving past this place… Big Bad Fox & Other Tales is co-directed by filmmakers Patrick Imbert (animation director on April and the Extraordinary World) & Benjamin Renner (co-director of Ernest & Celestine), working with animation studio Folivari based in France. The screenplay is co-written by Benjamin Renner and Jean Regnaud, adapted from Renner's own acclaimed graphic novel. This first premiered at the Annecy Film Festival last year, and also played at the Toronto, London, and Leeds Film Festivals. GKids will release the English language version of Big Bad Fox & Other Tales in select US theaters later this fall. Stay tuned for an exact release date. Who wants to watch?