Following its recent second trailer, with its theatrical release just two months away, the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) has finally given Detective Pikachu a rating.
With Deadpool star Ryan Reynolds voicing the titular role, many seemed to believe that Detective Pikachu might garner an R-rating. This is on account of his most prominent role, that of the aforementioned 'merc with a mouth', being quite irreverent and vulgar. Thankfully, this is not the case. Detective Pikachu will actually be a child-friendly experience with its recently revealed PG-rating.
Exhibitor Relations Co. recently tweeted out the MPAA's official rating of the live-action Pokemon film, but did warn of some rude and suggestive humour. Their tweet read: “POKEMON: DETECTIVE PIKACHU: Rated PG for action/peril, some rude and suggestive humor, and thematic elements...and that folks is a goddamn miracle with Ryan Reynolds as the voice of Pikachu. The R-rated outtakes cut will be worth the wait.”
Detective Pikachu is set to arrive in theatres on May 10th, 2019.